Is This Blurring the Lines?

November 17, 2013 | Posted in Blog: Story Stories | By

CoverGirl has come out with a new line. Watch the promo here.

And, no, its not a joke. There are plenty of how-to videos to go along with it. When I saw the full page ads on the inside and back covers of Entertainment Weekly, I was stunned.

To me, the criticism of the over-consumption in the Capitol in the novels was clear. The Capitol’s insatiable thirst (hunger) for more of everything drove the cruelty of the Hunger Games. In the book, it was grotesque, not something to be emulated.

In the movie the make-up and costuming was accordingly over-the-top.

Now that the movie has come out, CoverGirl (and Ms. Collins?) are capitalizing on the make-up artistry? Have we forgotten the point of the book?

I asked teens what they thought of the CoverGirl campaign. The answers I got were mostly about the beauty of the models, especially the woman who appears to be Kenyan. I cannot deny her striking beauty. And I wouldn’t want to. It was a good reminder to me that I see things differently than my kids do.

Start watching this interview with Hunger Games author , Suzanne Collins at 2:13 to see what she hopes readers will take away from her books.

I like what she has to say because she wants readers to question their society, their government.

But, then, we have this thing where her books are being used to sell make-up. Which, to me, blurs the lines, a little bit. Not really the lines between reality and fiction. Those lines are pretty clear to me: the fictional world created in The Hunger Games is being used to sell make-up in our real world.

I’m thinking of a line between two different words. And here’s a great video with a definition of word one: irony.

What’s word two? I would say hypocrisy, but no one is fighting to the death over this. That I’m aware of. Though I could kind of kill for that blue lipstick.

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